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Computational Data Science

A computational data science student sits at a lone computer station surrounded by a 360° visualization space.

Interested in a computational data science degree? 

The computational data science degree focuses on the computational foundations of data science, providing an in-depth understanding of the algorithms and data structures for storing, manipulating, visualizing and learning from large data sets. Students in the computational data science program have unique access to a wide range of fundamental computer science courses in topics ranging from mobile application and web development to theory of computation and fundamental algorithms. Students can tailor their degree to their own unique interests and requirements, with an emphasis on computational foundations. 


Computational data science graduates are prepared for careers that create order and derive meaning from massive amounts of data. They search for hidden models, train intelligent systems, create visualizations, identify patterns and trends, and discover solutions and opportunities. The computational data science program prepares students for careers applying and developing tools that support the data needs of tomorrow: from the intelligence in self-driving vehicles to business intelligence systems to opportunities not yet foreseen. 

Future Alumni could work at: 

  • Online companies like Google and Microsoft
  • Computer technology companies like IBM and Apple
  • Communications companies like Verizon and T-Mobile 
  • Mobile app developers like Spotify and Uber 
  • Service businesses like insurance and finance 
  • Data science companies like Pixar and Teradata 
  • Product designers and manufacturers like General Motors and Nike 

Future Alumni could work as: 

  • Business intelligence analysts 
  • Data mining engineers 
  • Data modelers 
  • Data scientists, engineers and developers 
  • Data warehouse architects 
  • Directors of market intelligence 
  • Research analysts 

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