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A music major playing a saxophone in a horn section at Michigan State University.

Interested in a music major?

The MSU music major is a liberal arts program designed to be flexible but still retain a strong emphasis in music. It may fulfill the requirements for entrance into a master of music program, but it does not provide preparation for teacher certification in music.

Students in this program usually desire to combine their passion for music with another course of study. This is sometimes accomplished by using the elective cognate (which provides extra flexibility) toward an additional major or simply taking some course work of interest outside of the College of Music.

In a survey of MSU music major graduates earning a bachelor's degree from the College of Music, 100% of respondents said they were satisfied or very satisfied with the quality of instruction provided in their major areas and 95.8% rated the quality of their overall experience in the college as superior or above average.

Supplemental application required
Applicants to the MSU College of Music must also complete the College of Music supplemental application by Dec. 1. During this time, the student's major will appear as music preference in their account. To be considered for admission into the College of Music, candidates must: 
  1. Submit the College of Music supplemental application by Dec. 1;
  2. Submit required supporting documents;
  3. Complete a successful audition.



Music education graduates provide leadership for the music education profession in the United States and beyond. 

Alumni work at: 

  • Higher education institutions
  • Music schools and programs
  • Radio stations
  • Orchestras
  • Performing arts centers
  • Apple
  • Google

Alumni work as: 

  • Teachers/professors of music
  • Professional musicians
  • General music therapy providers
  • Composers
  • Radio station music directors
  • Entrepreneurs
  • Church music directors

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